ROMANIA-Accounting,bookkeeping & payroll services offer (EURO)

Accountancy, economic expertise and

economical consultancy


Company Profile


S.C.Euro Consult Expert S.R.L. (Ltd.) is an accountancy, economic expertise and economical consultancy firm established by a team of economists, accountancy experts, HR inspectors and IT specialists. The main office is in Bucharest-ROMANIA.

The company is registered with C.E.C.C.A.R. (The Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania) organization (Autorization No. 1233/05.04.2002).


We earned a vast experience in this area working for national and multinational companies for over ten years. We participated in numerous trainings and specializations where we assimilated the newest concepts and ideas. Therefore we aligned our way of working to high quality standards.  We also integrated a young team, very active and dynamic thus adding more services to our offer such as HR and IT.





Euro Consult Expert SRL ,has two partners, each of whom has a strong background in  accountancy and administrative / financial consulting.


General Manager  -Valentin GUTA ,expert accountant ,founding partner of firm

Financial Manager -Simona GUTA , expert accountant & partner of firm.




Our staff includes 10 people ,economists ,certified accountants, financial analysts, and legal and fiscal advisors. We offer a balanced mix of international and Romanian specialists to our clients.


Our Mission


We want to offer our clients trust through our professionalism and become a local leader in this field. We want to find the best financial, accounting and management solutions offering our partners a solid background for achieving their goals.


The Advantage of Using an Accountancy Firm


Even if you are a small enterprise or a large company, using the services of an accountancy firm can bring you a lot of economic, financial and managing benefits:

  • The accountancy firm gathers experience from the numerous problems it encounters and puts this experience to work for you.
  • The accountancy firm is always up-to-date with latest legal changes.
  • The client is covered by the contract. The accountancy firm is bound to the specifications of the contract.
  • The costs of hiring an accountancy firm are at least two times cheaper than hiring an accountant.
  • You win important time and better focus on your goals, leaving all the non essential activity and fiscal reporting to the accountancy firm .
  • You can get our services even for a short period of time.


World wide the small and medium sized enterprises tend to externalize as much as possible their non essential work in order to better focus on the business objectives. The Romanian economy is going to integrate in the European Economy therefore we all must be prepared to align our way of working to the European standards.


They are Romanian and foreign juridical persons enlisted as small and medium sized enterprises, non profit organizations, associations etc.


Our clients main fields of activity are:

  • production and micro production of FMCG
  • en gross commerce (import/export)
  • en detail commerce
  • en gross and en detail commerce of pharmaceutical products
  • services, software production, IT services
  • business intermediary
  • leasing companies



  Our profesional services:

  1. Assistance and Consultancy for Opening a New Business
  2. Professional Accounting Services
  3. Economical, Financial and Fiscal Assistance and Consultancy
  4. Management Consultancy and Assistance.
  5. Financial Management Services
  6. Human Resources Services


We provide services for small and medium enterprises with different activities: commerce, services, production, constructions as well as nonprofit organizations (associations, foundations).


Our services are in accordance with the International Standards of Accounting (IAS) and with the romanian simplified accounting for small enterprises.


We can offer our services either in packs or individually according to the customers needs.


Assistance and Consultancy for Opening New Businesses

Consultancy for opening a new business in Romania

Business plan elaboration and feasibility study

Consultancy for procedures regarding fiscal enlisting of an enterprise




Professional Accounting Services  ( starting from 350 EUR / month / max  100 recording accounting articles per month; if you have over 101 recording accounting articles ,our retainer fee due is + 0.5 Eur / accounting article,)

Chronological recording of accounting articles based on primary documents.

  • Monthly general ledger .
  • Elaboration of VAT journals.
  • Stock management accounting.
  • Elaboration of balance sheet.
  • Elaboration and handing in of documents regarding taxes .
  • Verifying and certifying the balance sheet.
  • General Ledger consolidation for groups or branches.


Human Resources Services ( starting from – 20 EUR / employee / month)

  • Consultancy for elaboration of personnel files
  • Elaboration, handing in and managing the personnel files
  • Elaboration and handing in payrolls
  • Elaboration and handing in compulsory personnel taxes
  • Elaboration of anual employees fiscal files
  • Consultantcy for personnel recruitment and selection
  • Elaboration of monthly fiscal statements regarding the payroll and salary (social contributions


The retainer fee due for the month of JUNE is increased by 50% of the amount invoiced in the previous month, due to the aditional works carried out upon drafting and lodging the “Semester Reporting” with the tax body.


The retainer fee due for the accounting record works in the last month of the financial year (December) shall be increased by 100% of the amount invoiced in the previous month, due to the additional works required by the closing of the financial year, expert assistance in patrimony inventory, drafting and lodging the profit &loss , balance sheet and annual financial statements with the Tax Administration and the Trade Register’s Office, drawing up and lodging the employee tax slips with the Tax Administration.



Economic, Financial and Fiscal Consultancy, Assistance and Reporting ( 50 EUR / hour)

  • Analysis of the financial structures
  • Cash-flow analysis
  • Debts and claims analysis. Open balance.
  • Assets and immobilizations analysis
  • Income and spending budget elaboration

Legal consultancy regarding financial, fiscal and accounting laws (income taxes, profit taxes, VAT, excises, social insurance)


Assistance during fiscal examinations ( 50 EUR/hour)

  • Management Consultancy and Assistance. Financial Management Services.
  • Consultancy regarding organization and management of the enterprise (organization chart, structures, jobs descriptions).
  • Internal Procedures and Norms elaboration for the main and related activity.
  • Informational flow analysis and organization (inter departmental communication).
  • Consultancy for organizing the financial accounting and the stock management respecting the standing laws.
  • Personnel trainings for elaboration of the primary financial documents and for understanding the documents and informational flow in the organization.


IT Consultancy, Assistance and Services (50 EUR/hour)

  • Consultancy and assistance for hardware acquisitions .
  • Consultancy and assistance for software acquisitions .
  • Consultancy for choosing an appropriate IT system.
  • Consultancy and assistance for ERP /CRM implementations.
  • Software development for specific activities with company IT system integration.


… other related services


If our services listed above did not meet your requirements please contact us for additional information.


The fees will be invoiced monthly with VAT 19% ,added .



Accountancy, economic expertise

and fiscal consultancy firm


Bucharest -ROMANIA


General Manager

Valentin GUTA

Accounting Expert



